If you hate to journal. Then don’t journal. If you love to take walks in nature, then take a walk each and every day.
Throughout the course of my healing, many people have offered me many ideas on how to grieve and mend the brokenness in my life. I am grateful for the ideas. That is why AA and support groups, church bible study and men’s groups and other social outlets are so important for me and every griever. We need to identify, try and then continue to use the healing behaviors activities and connections that work best for us; and us alone.
I have found that producing a radio show, being cathartic and opening my life up to the world via the internet and social media WORKS FOR ME. My wife, even for a million dollars, would not and possible cannot do what I do in an effort to heal. I like to write and deliver workshops and seminars. I went out and got a master of arts degree. I did what works for me.
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